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Write That Book Already

Addicted to starting but never finishing?

The Narrative Project


Cami Ostman of The Narrative Project


Lisa Dailey of Sidekick Press will change that!

Cami and Lisa are friends of Chanticleer! We’ve known them for years! They are great writing coaches to help you get started!

Does this sound like you?

  • You have a book idea, but you don’t know where to start.
  • You’ve started your book but stalled in the muddy middle.
  • You’ve rewritten the first couple of chapters over and over but have gotten no further.

Or do you wonder…

  • Is it worth my time to write a book?
  • Will anyone want to read what I have to say?
  • Will I be able to figure out how to get it published even if I can write it?

Sign up for The Narrative Project’s  FREE virtual conference

January 3-7, 2022

Videos will be available for replay for six months on The Narrative Project’s website,

so you can watch when you have time!

Don’t worry about starting on the fourth or the fifth or even on the seventh! Just get started!


The Secret to Successful Publishing


You’ll get two videos a day delivered straight to your inbox. THEN, we’ll be playing the videos during LIVE watch parties in a private Facebook group so the coaches at THE NARRATIVE PROJECTcan be with you to answer your questions and cheer you on in your commitment to…Write That Book Already!

If you’ve ever thought about writing a book or keep starting to write a book, this conference will coach you to succeed in writing that book that you have always wanted to!

Why haven’t you written that book already?

If you’re like most of the would-be authors, it’s because you need some answers to some of the following questions:

  • How do I get myself to sit and write?
  • What do I do with my manuscript once I’ve got it written?
  • Why does MY particular story matter so much that I should write it NOW?
  • What are the best strategies for getting past my writing blocks?
  • Is it selfish to spend the time to write a book? AND how can I write this book with kids underfoot or the pressures of my job keeping me so busy?
  • How can I tap into MY best creative process?
  • How can I know if my book is relevant?
  • How can contests and reviews help me get my book into the hands of my ideal readers?
  • How can I get in the right mindset to push past my inner critic?
  • How can I get the support and accountability I need to keep going even on the hard days?
  • How can my writing be a light in the world right now?
  • Why should I think about my author’s platform and marketing even while I’m writing and how can building that platform encourage me to get your book done.

Write That Book Already presenters are among the most encouraging and knowledgeable BOOK PEOPLE in the world.

Kiffer Brown, Michelle Cox,  Laura Davis, Betsy Graziani Fasbinder, Paul Hanson, Ebony Haywood, Linda Joy Myers, Jamey Stegmaier, and others! 

If you have a book in you, you don’t want to miss this!
You’ll walk away inspired, motivated, and COMMITTED to Write That Book Already!

When you sign up for the conference using this link, you will have access to the VIDEOS and Replay of VIDEOS on the Write That Book Already Virtual Conference!

Just click this link to be taken to The Narrative Project’s website to sign up for FREE! Just scroll down to the sign-up link.

And don’t forget to SAVE the DATES for the Chanticleer Authors Conference – April 7 – 10, 2022 at the Hotel Bellwether, Bellingham, Wash!