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Binge Book Cover Image
Publisher: Bold Print Press (2022)


Twenty-seven-year-old Sabrina “Bree” Hunter has the chance to grasp her dream of being a published author, but will her binge eating spell the end of that dream?

After years of working for a demanding B-list talent agent in Los Angeles, Bree earned a publishing deal with Fast Track Books. She should celebrate, thrilled that her life will finally go down the right path since her graduation from Dartmouth. However, Bree has a problem that isn’t easily fixed. Her publisher expects the skinny beauty on her webpage, a picture taken many years previously.

Since the days of the photo, Bree has become a compulsive eater. She spends every moment of her day obsessing over junk food. Bree turns to food to comfort her, console her, and to bring her joy. This addiction has caused her to gain forty pounds since college. Finding dieting on her own harder than she expected, Bree agrees to attend a support group meeting. Her sister, Lena’s, boyfriend has recently found success in breaking his addiction to drugs and alcohol.

Bree just doesn’t believe the sharing and belief in a higher power will help–until she meets Daniel. A successful lawyer and recovering over-eater, Daniel now strikes the figure of a hunk with blue eyes, as if right off the pages of her own novel. With a three-month deadline looming, an unappreciative boss, and her own doubts, Bree must find a way to overcome her compulsion.

Sabrina’s addiction provides amazing insight into an area most people ignore.

Compulsive eating is as much an eating disorder as bulimia or anorexia. However, many choose to see it as a choice rather than a real issue. Even Bree herself has a difficult time properly naming the truth of her overeating–as an addiction. The depiction of her compulsion will be a revelation for most readers. From hiding food in her desk to digging in the ladies’ room trash for candy, Bree shows her compulsion. Her behavior mimics that of a drug addict to a sad and astounding degree. Bree cannot see that she loves comfort food like a user on a bender.

The extremity of Bree’s disorder will affect the reader. The burden of secrecy becomes overwhelming, crushing Bree’s spirit and her willpower at times. Her need to diet on a deadline only serves to enhance her cravings and creates a time crunch sensation. She struggles under the sense of an inevitable disaster with an impending, unavoidable culmination.

Setting the novel in a place where image rules and only the skinny succeed highlights Bree’s struggle. Bree sinks to shocking depths to fulfill her urges. She must hit that metaphorical bottom before she can admit her addiction and begin to climb away from it. Readers will celebrate with her as she finds her true self in the land of Hollywood fakes.

The reasons behind Bree’s addiction define part of her story, her growth into a confident, accomplished woman.

Bree began associating comfort with food when her mother left Lena and her with their absentee father. At only nine years old, Bree raised her baby sister. They waited hungrily for their father to bring home food for them after he finally left work. Lena became both sister and pseudo daughter to Bree, who continues to bail her out even at the age of twenty-three.

Bree has lost her vibrancy and her confidence, cowering behind her love for and addiction to sweets. Though she has accomplished more than Lena, Bree can only see her sister’s slimness, her perfect ease, in comparison to Bree’s own self-labeled corpulent incompetency. She will do anything, even considering bulimia and fasting, to achieve the same perfection in herself.

She knows her weight causes her doubt and unhappiness, but she cannot overcome it alone.

Through the insistence of the sister who works on her own issues, Bree attends a support meeting and begins the program that will change more than the numbers on the scale. When she meets Daniel, she has a hard time believing someone like him could like someone like her. However, spending time with him and the other members of her group soon empowers Bree.

Bree’s recognition of the imperfection of others begins her metamorphosis. She learns that even those people who have seemingly flawless lives are far from that ideal. She stops bullying herself and being her own worst enemy. Eventually, she fully sees the time she has wasted in pursuit of the unattainable and finds satisfaction in who she is and the potential her REAL life holds.


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