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The CIBAs Ceremony is June 25, 2022 at CAC22!
Don’t miss out!

Congratulations to each and every one of the Authors

whose works advanced to the

FINALIST Level of Achievement

in the 2021 Chanticleer Int’l Book Awards program! 

Now let’s look at where we came from to make this happen.

A pyramid showing the different levels of CIBA Achievement

Everyone who made it to the Long List had something that our readers saw as worthwhile, a reason to lift them out of the slush pile and post them to our site. The competition becomes steeper every year and any bit of the way up this pyramid is something to celebrate!

Making it to the FINALIST Level is indeed  something to crow about!

Be sure to share your advancement on social media, as well as tagging us (@ChantiReviews) to help increase your digital footprint. This is our Twitter and this is our Facebook.

We have notified each FINALIST by email, by posts on the Chanticleer website, and on social media. Digital badges are available starting with the Short List. If you need a digital badge reflecting your tier level, please email with your division and rank, and we will send you one as soon as possible.

Congratulations to the FINALISTS!

Advancing to the prestigious FINALIST stage is a huge accomplishment!

Being a Finalist means that your book truly stands out. The decisions of who moves on here are always difficult as the quality is so readily apparent. Thank you to everyone who is a Finalist for making the CIBAs a joy and a delight with your incredible words!

Now that is something to CROW ABOUT! 

You can see our lists of the 2021 CIBA Finalists in the links below:

Make sure your Awards gets the attention it deserves on 

In the Librarian Manual on Goodreads, you can go to your Book Edit Page — Literary Awards.

You want to list the Award for Chanticleer International Book Awards (CIBA) Winners, and be sure to include the year and what place you received. For example:

The year Long List, Short List, Semi-Finalist, or Finalist.

Note from Goodreads: “To add a new award or edit an existing award, you’ll need

help from one of our volunteer librarians or a staff member.” For assistance, post in the Goodreads Librarians Group.

Always double check that you’ve written everything correctly before posting it. The search function for Awards on Goodreads is both case and punctuation sensitive.

In addition, this year  we introduced the Non-Fiction Division for Military and Front Line Book Awards. These books focus on Narrative Non-Fiction that highlights the lives of service members, medical workers, and generally those who engage in public service. This is a division we’ve been waiting to launch for years, and we felt this was the year to make it happen. While we still are updating our site for this division, all 24 of our other CIBAs are now accepting entries for 2022. The competition is already heating up! Submit today!

Remember, you don’t have to be present to win, but it sure is a lot more fun!

There are five different registrations for CAC 22 for In Real Life and Virtual! Join us! 

The official lists for First Place and Grand Prize Winners will begin posting on June 29th, 2022. 

Why wait? Register today!