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Embark on a Journey of Mind and Spirit

In the quiet moments of introspection, where the mind converges with the essence of being, profound narratives unfold.

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The allure of spiritual exploration and the quest for well-being beckon authors and seekers alike. The  Mind & Spirit Awards stand as a tribute to these transformative works, celebrating the realms of Spirituality, Enlightenment, Self-Help, Mindfulness, Well-being, Meditation, and Energy. Join us as we traverse the corridors of consciousness and unveil the power of the mind-spirit connection.

Submit Your Work Today!

The Mind & Spirit Awards weave tales of enlightenment, offering guidance in the pursuit of mindfulness, or illuminating the path to well-being, your words have the potential to inspire, uplift, and transform.

In the vast tapestry of human experience, countless paths lead to enlightenment. The Mind & Spirit Awards embrace a diverse array of genres and voices, uniting the realms of spirituality, wisdom, and personal development. From profound self-help manuals to enlightening explorations of mindfulness, this division encapsulates the boundless journey of the human soul.

Navigating the Spiritual Landscape: A Harmonious Blend

As self-help literature finds its way into the hearts of readers, the concept of mindfulness has flourished, becoming a beacon of inner awareness. Publishers Weekly offers a word of caution for this difficult to write genre:

The term mindfulness can be “very fraught,” agreed Lil Copan, senior acquisitions editor at Broadleaf Books, particularly if it has been “diluted in its origin” in Buddhism. Christian authors often want to avoid acknowledging the Buddhist roots of mindfulness as a practice, connecting it instead with Christian contemplative practices they trace to the early church, or merely using “mindfulness” as a substitute for words like “presence” or, in the Quaker context, “quietude.” Still, Copan said that even amid concern about using the term, mindfulness is “such a good word. It does so much work that I can’t think of another word in which you aren’t saying 30 words or long sentences to get at what most people think of as mindfulness.”

We are delighted to celebrate the 2022 Winners of the Mind & Spirit Awards who have already started to make their mark on the genre!

  • Ananta Ripa Ajmera – The Way of the Goddess: Daily Rituals to Awaken Your Inner Warrior and Discover Your True Self
  • Nico Marceca and illustrated by Karen Sue Chen – The One Week Journal
  • Deborah Vinall, PsyD, LMFT – Gaslighting: A Step-by-Step Recovery Guide to Heal from Emotional Abuse and Build Healthy Relationships
  • D Terrence Foster. M.D – The Stress Book: Forty-Plus Ways to Manage Stress & Enjoy Your Life
  • Donna McCart Welser – Rue’s Butterfly 

    The Grand Prize Winner for the CIBA 2022 MIND & SPIRIT Awards is:

    A Sky of Infinite Blue 

    By Kyomi O’Connor

    Mind and Spirit Grand Prize for a Sky of Infinite Blue by Kyomi O'Connor

    The Mind & Spirit Awards are uniquely attuned to works that delve deep into the spiritual journey, resonating with readers seeking solace, clarity, and transcendence. Every word penned in a Mind & Spirit book holds the potential to ignite transformation. As an author, your role in guiding readers toward inner growth is paramount. Vulnerability and authenticity are powerful tools that invite readers to embark on a journey of self-discovery.

    Seize the opportunity to share your enlightening narrative with the world. Submit your work to the Mind & Spirit Awards by the August 31, 2023 deadline. Join the lineage of authors who have contributed to the evolution of spiritual literature and well-being.

    When you’re ready, did you know that Chanticleer offers editorial services? We do and have been doing so since 2011.

    Our professional editors are top-notch and are experts in the Chicago Manual of Style. They have and are working for the top publishing houses (TOR, McMillian, Thomas Mercer, Penguin Random House, Simon Schuster, etc.).

    If you would like more information, we invite you to email Kiffer or David at or for more information, testimonials, and fees.

    We work with a small number of exclusive clients who want to collaborate with our team of top-editors on an on-going basis. Contact us today!

    Chanticleer Editorial Services also offers writing craft sessions and masterclasses. Sign up to find out where, when, and how sessions being held.

    • A great way to get started is with our manuscript evaluation service, with more information available here.
    • And we do editorial consultations for $75. Learn more here.
    • If you’re confident in your book, consider submitting it for a Editorial Book Review here or to one of our Chanticleer International Awards here.

    And remember! Our 12th Anniversary Chanticleer Authors Conference (CAC24) will be April 18-21, 2024, where our 2023 CIBA winners will be announced. Space is limited and seats are already filling up. Sign up and see the latest updates here!