Announcing the 2023 CIBAs Grand Prize Winners for Non-Fiction, Shorts, and Series!

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A Huge Congratulations to all of the Chanticleer Int’l Book Awards (CIBAs) Division Non-Fiction, Book Series, and SHORTS Grand Prize Winners!

Every tier of the CIBAs is an important one, though few rise to be one of the coveted Division Grand Prize Winners!

All First Place and Grand Prize winners were announced and recognized at the Chanticleer Authors Conference at the CIBAs Ceremonies on Saturday, April 29th at the Chanticleer Banquet.

Let’s take a step back and look at where we came from to make this happen.

A pyramid showing the different levels of CIBA Achievement

Want to join in the fun? Submit to the 2024 CIBAs today!

Now, presenting the Non-Fiction Awards Grand Prize Winners!

I&I or Instruction & Insight Awards CIBA Badge

The Grand Prize Winner for the CIBA 2023 I&I Awards is:

Eating Together Being Together:

Recipes, Activities, and Advice from a Chef Dad and Psychologist Mom

by Julian C.E. Clauss-Ehlers and Caroline S. Clauss-Ehlers

A Gold Ribbon dividing this section from the next

Nellie Bly Awards

The Grand Prize Winner for the CIBA 2023 NELLIE BLY Awards is:

You Have to be Prepared to Die Before You Can Begin to Live

by Paul Kix

A Gold Ribbon dividing this section from the next

The Grand Prize Winner for the CIBA 2023 HARVEY CHUTE Awards is:

Using Behavioral Science in Marketing

by Nancy Harhut

A Gold Ribbon dividing this section from the next

The Grand Prize Winner for the CIBA 2023 MIND & SPIRIT Awards is:

Psychological Secrets for Emotional Success

By Dr. Kelly Rabenstein

A Gold Ribbon dividing this section from the next

The Grand Prize Winner for the CIBA 2023 HEARTEN Awards is:

Running Away from the Circus

By Nove Meyers


A Gold Ribbon dividing this section from the next

The Grand Prize Winner for the CIBA 2023 MILITARY & FRONT LINE Awards is:

Chasing the Daylight

by JoAnna Rakowski

A Gold Ribbon dividing this section from the next

The Grand Prize Winner for the CIBA 2023 JOURNEY Awards is:

Barbed: A Memoir

by Julie Morrison

A Gold Ribbon dividing this section from the next

Now, presenting the Shorts & Series Awards Grand Prize Winners!

The Grand Prize Winner for the CIBA 2023 SHORTS Awards for Collections and Anthologies is:

Shelter in a Hostile World

by Mack Little


The Grand Prize Winner for the CIBA 2023 SHORTS Awards for Short Stories and Essays is:

The Heart of Kublai Khan’s Menagerie Keeper

by Catherine Brown

A Manuscript

A Gold Ribbon dividing this section from the next

A stack of books flying into the blue sky for the Book Series Awards

The Grand Prize Winner for the CIBA 2023 SERIES Awards is:

Ghosts Along the Oregon Trail

by David Fitz-Gerald

We have badges available starting with the Short List. If you need a digital badge reflecting your tier level, please email with your division and rank, and we will send you one as soon as possible.

The 2023 CIBA Grand Prize Winners!

The 2023 CIBA Grand Prize Winners!


A Brown lower case g -- the goodreads logo

Make sure your Award gets the attention it deserves on 

In the Librarian Manual on Goodreads, you can go to your Book Edit Page — Literary Awards.

You want to list the Award for Chanticleer International Book Awards (CIBA) Winners, and be sure to include the year and what place you received. For example:

The year Long List, Short List, Semi-Finalist, Finalist, First Place, Division Grand Prize, or Overall Grand Prize Winner

Note from Goodreads: “To add a new award or edit an existing award, you’ll need help from one of our volunteer librarians or a staff member.” For assistance, post in the Goodreads Librarians Group.

Always double check that you’ve written everything correctly before posting it. The search function for Awards on Goodreads is both case and punctuation sensitive.

The Overall Grand Prize Winner for the 2023 CIBAs is Tim Facciola’s A Vengeful Realm: The Scales of Balance Book 1


A Blue Button that invites you to enter the CIBAs saying "Enter Here to Win Book Awards Learn More"

The  esteemed WRITER Magazine (founded in 1887)  has repeatedly recognized the Chanticleer Authors Conference as one of the best conferences to attend and participate in for North America.

We will link to the Non-Fiction and Shorts and Series Division Grand Prize Winners shortly.

You can see all our Amazing Finalists below:

Well done climbing the CIBA Levels of Achievement!


Attn CIBA Winners: More goodies and prizes will be coming your way along with promotion in our magazine, website, and advertisements in Chanticleer Int’l Book Awards long-tail marketing strategy. Welcome to the CIBA Hall of Fame for Award Winners!

This post has been posted on the Chanticleer Facebook Page. We try to tag all authors listed here in the Facebook post. However, for Facebook to allow us to tag an author, that author must LIKE our page and Follow Chanticleer Reviews.

Please click here to visit our page to LIKE, COMMENT, and SHARE on Facebook.

A Note to ALL the WINNERS: The coveted CIBA Blue Ribbons will be mailed out starting in June. We will contact you with an email to verify your mailing address and other items. You will receive an OFFICIAL EMAIL NOTIFICATION with Digital Badges and more information.

Thank you for participating in the 2023 CIBAs! We are looking forward to reading your future entries.

The Chanticleer Team

2024-05-22T15:46:34-07:00By |

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