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The CYGNUS Book Awards

for Science Fiction and Speculative Fiction

and is a division of

the Chanticleer International Book Awards

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Cygnus Award for Science Fiction

The 2024 CIBAs are well underway with submissions and the 2024 Cygnus Awards submission close at the end of June!

The Cygnus Awards are one of the first of the Chanticleer Int’l Book Awards ever! The quality and quantity grows annually, and we are so excited to see what 2024 brings! These are the categories:

  • Alternate History
  • Apocalyptic/Dystopian
  • Hard Science Fiction
  • Space Opera
  • Soft Sci-Fi/Young Adult
  • Speculative Fiction
  • Cli-Fi (Climate Fiction)

And even in within those, there is what one might call “Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations” when it comes to genre.

A young white man with a dark hair, bowl cut, and pointy ears.

Ethan Peck as Spock of Strange New Worlds now gets to offer the conventional Vulcan Wisdom

With plenty of exciting genres to choose from, it’s always fun to see new trends. For us Climate Fiction or Cli-Fi is one of the most exciting genres in SciFi today!

Cli-Fi often focuses on modern technologies and their impact on the environment, for good or ill.

This can be anything from a thriller looking at shadow governments fighting against progress meant to stem climate change, or it could even look at a dystopian world far in the future. The focus in Climate Fiction is closer to that of Hard Science Fiction and a cousin of Lab Lit, which you can see in the Global Thriller Awards rather than delving into Space Opera.

We’re delighted that the most recent Grand Prize Winner for the 2023 Cygnus Awards, Timothy S. Johnston, has won the Division Grand Prize coming from the Cli-Fi category!

The Shadow of War

By Timothy S. Johnston

The 2023 Cygnus Grand Prize for The Shadow of War by Timothy S. Johnston

The Blurb for it gives us chills:

In the world’s undersea realms, the superpowers are pressing. Climate change is ravaging the surface nations, and their militaries are surging into the oceans to seek out new resources to sustain their exploding populations. Now Truman McClusky, mayor of the underwater city, Trieste, must gather a team of operatives and travel the world to steal the most unique and deadly weapon ever invented for use underwater. War is looming, and to win a war, one must do whatever it takes, even if it means embracing your darker side.

The Shadow of War is book 5 in The Rise of Oceania series! We recommend adding it all to your TBR for a look at what The Expanse would be like if it took place underwater.

While the full review for An Island of Light is still forthcoming, we do have three reviews for Johnston’s series the Tanner Sequence you can see below:

Past Cygnus Book Awards Winners have been published by Titan, U.K. (of Dr. Who fame),  Harper Collins Voyager, Vesuvian Media Group, Atheon Books, and others have gone on to be USA Today Bestsellers and Nebula nominated.

Thank you to everyone who submitted to the 2023 Cygnus Awards! We can’t believe that the whole adventure starts again when the first Chanticleer Int’l Book Awards close on June 30, 2024.

The tiers of achievement for the CIBAs

This is the journey from beginning to end for the CIBAs Levels of Achievement is so worthwhile! Every list you make means more promotion for you and your work as each list is posted right here on our website, on our social media, and also out in our newsletter! Your book deserves to be discovered.

Submit to the Cygnus Awards today!