An Editorial Review of “Deadly Addiction” by Kristine Cayne

2016-12-17T12:15:48-08:00By |

Deadly Addiction captures the devastating effects of poverty and substance abuse on a First Nations community while portraying the love affair of one tribal member determined to help his people. As brutally violent as it is flirtatious, this novel offers readers a realistic glimpse of contemporary life on a First Nations reserve. The story is populated by wonderfully realized characters.

Sacred Fires by Catherine Greenfeder

2016-12-17T12:15:51-08:00By |

What really drew me into this story was the Aztec history along with the overwhelming love the characters had for one another throughout lifetimes. The details of the ceremonies and sacrifices to the ancient gods were mesmerizing to read about. If you like a bit of history and ancient culture intertwined with a modern story-line, you will definitely enjoy reading Sacred Fires.

Package Deal by Kate Vale

2012-11-30T10:17:48-08:00By |

Vale keeps us rapidly turning pages in this contemporary novel that is as suspenseful as it is romantic. She keeps the tension building from page one of Package Deal and carries it, on many levels, to the very end.

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