99 cents SALE on MRS. KAPLAN and the MATZOH BALL of DEATH

2016-12-17T12:15:35-08:00By |

MRS. KAPLAN and the MATZOH BALL of DEATH by award-winning author Mark Reutlinger is on sale for 99 cents on Amazon March 27 - April 9th. A cozy mystery is a rollicking adventure through a mystery at the Home for Jewish Seniors. "Deliciously funny" series published by Random House. "Mrs. Kaplan and the Matzoh Ball of Death" is a Finalist in the 2014 M&M Awards. Congratulations to Mark Reutlinger! 

An Editorial Review of “Double or Nothing” by Meg Mims

2016-12-17T12:15:42-08:00By |

The mystery is set during the rough and tumble California mining days of 1869. Meg Mims vividly brings these times to life with her accurate historical research and her clear and striking imagery of bustling towns, dangerous quicksilver mines, and rugged landscapes. An entertaining Western mystery read with just the right amount of romance.

An Editorial Review of “The Blue Virgin” by M. K. Graff

2016-12-17T12:15:44-08:00By |

Graff’s sophisticated writing interweaves eccentric characters, visually rich locales, epigraphs, and well-crafted dialog that together create a delightfully clever and intriguing mystery. “The Blue Virgin” by Marni Graff is a First Place Category winner for British Cozy Mysteries in the Mystery & Mayhem Awards for Cozy Mysteries 2013.

An Editorial Review of “Her Boyfriend’s Bones” by Jeanne Matthews

2014-06-05T13:07:07-07:00By |

The colorful characters and intriguing plot twists make Her Boyfriend’s Bones a gratifying and diverting page-turner. Ms. Matthews is adept at placing the reader into the hardships of the current Greek economic debt crisis as well as interjecting bits of history and mythology into her compelling story-line. Enter the CIA and Interpol, false identification papers, the Norwegian Intelligence, terrorist guns, suspicious locals, and old grudges, secret letters, and “evil eyes” everywhere.

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